Sunday, October 16, 2011

Fall Festivals and Best Friends

      Yesterday was the Fall Festival at I's school. We had so much fun. We got to play games, face painted, hair sprayed, bounce houses, pizza, haunted house, cotton candy and all with I's best friend JF.

Making their tool boxes

Matching skull faces

For once 'I' didn't want to race, but they definitely look like they're having fun

Waiting to get their balloon creations

I have a fun video of them playing with their balloon light savers. For some reason I couldn't get it on here, so here is the link.

When 'I' is talking to J and they're not really 'fighting', he's trying to convince J that he sincerely just wants  them to hug. As soon as J gives in 'I' jabs him in the leg lol. 

It was a great day! I love that 'I' has a best friend and it's completely mutual! It is so cute. They do everything together. 
And when we got home, we made a Mummy Candy Cup 

I think it's safe to say that I love Fall and Halloween.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Getting a Routine

So life is still busy busy, but it's becoming every other day which is much more manageable.

I've stepped down from being I's Assistant Den Leader. I'm still super involved but without taking more time away from family/church time.

I'm Volunteering at I's school store and reading to the class and the Library; but it's spaced out enough with other parents, that it's not that bad at all.

Today 'I' had his Boosterthon at his school, to raise money for the school. They've been hyping the kids up all week and they were super excited. We donated per lap and the kids were expected to do 25-35 laps. The parents were invited to come cheer which was a lot of fun. Sorry that I don't have any pics or anything :( my phone isn't entirely fixed yet...But it was great. They gave the kids enough time that I  think everyone got 35 laps. 'I' did really well. He did all his laps with plenty of time to spare. Unfortunately he got knocked over twice and each time he scraped a knee. The second time he got really upset, but luckily it was after he was done running.

S is out of town for Drill this weekend, I won't see him till Sunday :( It will be nice to have a bunch of one-on-one time with 'I', but I'm really going to miss him...and I always having trouble sleeping without him :( We have a Scout activity this Saturday and it would be nice to go as a family.... But oh well, it's not the end of the world and I am super proud of my hubby!

My life is so blessed! Thank you for sharing in it with me and being a part of those blessing.

Monday, September 5, 2011

Baby #2 ?

     I know in the scheme of things, four months isn't very long at all. That there are plenty of people out there who try for years to conceive with no success. But it's so hard to not get my hopes up whenever my tummy feels the slightest bit weird. Or convincing myself that "yeah, you're feeling nauseous, but you're not getting sick so it doesn't mean anything" and still getting nervous about going on those amusement park rides that say "no pregnant women". I know it's all in my head. I do my best not to think about it, but there's that period of time every month that I just can't help it. And it seems that the months that I am able to distract myself, 'S' is certain "this is the month". I love that my husband wants to have a baby as much as I do! I don't know how people do it. Dealing with the disappointment every month. It's only been a couple of months and I still have several years....
    Everyone was so certain that we would get pregnant right away.....
    Whatever Heavenly Father has in store for us is perfect. I already have one wonderful son and a loving husband, I'm happy. ......And I'll keep my fingers crossed.....

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Busy busy...

So 'I' is officially a Tiger Scout!
 And by the way, sewing all those patches, not as much fun as you would think lol. And so many more to come.....
 'I' and I are getting involved in so much stuff, I am so busy. We having Signing Club Tuesday mornings and Scouts on Thursday nights where I'm the assistant Den Leader, just got my visiting teaching assignment, subbing a couple primary classes, plus all the normal school age child mom stuff!
I's bathroom has a leaky faucet that apparently is going to take three days to fix, they have to go into the wall :( So, I'll just be hanging around the house for the next couple of days until they finish....
So to change the subject to something that was actually pleasing. 'I' was having a rough time the other day with listening and having a bad attitude so we decided to take a little brake from stress and do something fun....
So we painted some little plaster figurines :) I made a bobble head Teddy Bear for Dad and 'I' made a Race Car. 'I' had a lot of fun, he was so excited. He loves painting :)

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Calling the Tooth Fairy....

'I' finally lost his first tooth!

Handsome new smile :)

 Look how little!

Can't wait to see what the Tooth Fairy leaves!

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Everything new!

So As Soon as we got home from our trip to VA we had business to do!

We immediately had to get the keys to our new apartment before the office closed and decided to start moving in.... We don't love the apt, but it is where we will be living for the next year and I will make it a home :)

'I' started first grade this past week! So, since we had to wait until we were actually in the zone to register, these last couple of weeks have been full with Orientation, Open House and trying to get 'I' used to going to bed on time. All while moving stuff into the new apt and trying maintain some normalcy ....

So this is 'I' all ready on his first day of school :) I am so proud of him! 

So, he's been in school for one week now and he's doing great. I love being able to be so involved with him and his school this year :)

So today we practiced riding our bike without Training Wheels! After spending a good hour letting 'I' try it on his own, I decided to give him a little push. Voila! He can ride a bike! He can't push off yet and he gets scared when he starts to turn, but he's able to move :)

And tonight we have our first Tiger Scout cookout! If we like what we see, 'I' will be joining! He is so excited! This is the start me being a 'Soccer' Mom lol


So much has happened in the last couple of weeks! So much so, that I've haven't had a chance to share!

At the end of July, we had a mini family reunion in Virginia at my father in-law's house (Grandpa Chiu). It was a great visit. I love my family and this visit gave me the chance to get to know them a little better :)

This was our (me and I's) first time driving through multiple states and I have to say, he did absolutely great!. He did have the PSP to entertain him, but besides that, no extra RR stops, plenty of sleeping and he was content with the food we packed. I have to admit I was excited seeing the state signs on the way there. I totally would have got pictures if we weren't on the interstate and if I wasn't the one driving lol.

So of course, here is my favorite sister E and baby P. I loved getting to see them again and I can not wait to visit them in FL.

 Here is H. She is so adorable. She has no idea who I am so hasn't quite warmed up to me lol, but she did talk to me briefly towards the end of the visit. She is definitely a mommy's girl <3
This cutie is little R and I got to hold him for quite a bit :) at least until he got hungry lol. I can't hide my love for chubby little babies lol.

And I'm sorry that I didn't get pics of all of the kids. I really enjoyed getting to spend time with all of them :) M, M, G, H, R, R, and baby S. As well as the rest of the grown ups P, M, L, N, T, M, T :)

We also visited Washington DC on the trip since 'I' and I hadn't been there before. It was very impressive. I really look forward to going again and spending the time to see and read everything.
Washington Monument :)

Lincoln Monument :)
So this was a great trip!Can't wait for the next reunion!

Thursday, July 28, 2011

I's favorite things...

I got to chat with my sister on the phone yesterday, which was a great treat. I love E! While on the phone, 'I' kept mentioning all the things that I had to share. Not wanting to kill the conversation, I reframed, from doing so. But still being proud of my little love's interests, here they are....
This is the Rocket Ship Piggy Bank that we made for all of I's college money lol...
That's 'I' in the cockpit :)
 Here is the countdown lol...
We found an indoor 'playground' that has a bunch of bounce houses, and it happens to be right around the corner (from where we'll be living for the nest couple of days lol) 'I' had a lot fun, and it will be a great place to go in the winter....
'I' loves playing with his Lincoln Logs and his cars, so he was super proud of himself with this creation of a Lincoln Log garage! (I only helped a little)
And a little tidbit that 'I' just shared with me....
'I': "Girls always get what they want."
Me: "Why is that?"
'I': "Because they are the wife and the boss"

Sunday, July 24, 2011

I love my Life

Well, this past week has gone well. S and I are getting more involved in our new ward and I'm looking forward to whatever may come :)
We are all ready for school, we have all of our supplies, our registration is on Friday and tomorrow will be our first day of waking up early and a stricter bed time.... I am so proud of my little love, and I am going to miss him so much during the day....I wonder if I can have lunch with him like at his old school?
'I' has a very loose tooth and we made a tooth pillow for the Tooth Fairy. I have to admit, it didn't turn out as perfect as I had hoped, but I don't have a sewing machine yet and I'm still proud of it :) The tooth goes in the tooth :)
We all went to six flags for a family weekend outing. We had so much fun. 'I' rode everything that he could and S even even went on the Goliath, next time I get to. And when we were leaving, we saw Buggs And Sylvester :)We got a deal of a second day free, so we're really looking forward to going again.
And for dinner tonight, I made my first meaty lasagna, it turned out pretty yummy. This might need some explanation. I was a vegetarian for the majority of my young adult life and therefore, I got used to a lot of meatless options. But I have to say Thanks to my sister E for the great idea of adding sausage. It was yummy and 'I' even had seconds :)
So, it was a pretty eventful week and next weeks looks to be even more so!

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Hopefully the first of many

My wonderful sister-in-law does a blog that I love; so not wanting to steal from her, but wanting to do it; here I am.

Well, once a week will probably be all you can handle of me (lol) so, that's how often I will attempt to do this :) Today is Wednesday, but in the future I'll aim for Saturday or Monday to give a better overview of our wonderful week :)

So far:
   We've been in Atlanta for a month now and besides being lost outside of my couple of miles comfort zone, things are great. We are moving into our new apartment on the 1st. The new place is bigger and close to I's school and a variety of shopping (including a great fresh produce stand, yay);hopefully the aspects that we aren't in love with will prove to be better then expected :)
   'I' and I now have our new doctors set up. 'I' had to get two shots today and a dentist appointment, but of course it was all great. I've never seen a kid take shots so well! And to argue with S's argument that I is using baby talk, turns out he has a reason for having a high voice; which also proves that his old dentist never looked very closely....Continuing with teeth, I has two loose teeth! He should be losing one right before school!
   And as for me, nothing new to report until we get pregnant.....fingers crossed! And does anyone have an opinion on Gummy Pre-natal vitamins? Still as effective?
    So.....I guess that's it so far, I promise that they'll get better and that exciting stuff will happen every once in a while.
    Always with love....