Thursday, July 28, 2011

I's favorite things...

I got to chat with my sister on the phone yesterday, which was a great treat. I love E! While on the phone, 'I' kept mentioning all the things that I had to share. Not wanting to kill the conversation, I reframed, from doing so. But still being proud of my little love's interests, here they are....
This is the Rocket Ship Piggy Bank that we made for all of I's college money lol...
That's 'I' in the cockpit :)
 Here is the countdown lol...
We found an indoor 'playground' that has a bunch of bounce houses, and it happens to be right around the corner (from where we'll be living for the nest couple of days lol) 'I' had a lot fun, and it will be a great place to go in the winter....
'I' loves playing with his Lincoln Logs and his cars, so he was super proud of himself with this creation of a Lincoln Log garage! (I only helped a little)
And a little tidbit that 'I' just shared with me....
'I': "Girls always get what they want."
Me: "Why is that?"
'I': "Because they are the wife and the boss"

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