So, it's been about three weeks since S left....
The first couple of days were really off. I am not the most motivated person in the world and sometimes I really needed S's presence to get stuff done. Sometimes I just really need him to be there to say 'good job' and validate that I do a good job and I want to show him that I do work hard. So, the first couple of days I had no motivation. I did a little here and there as far as cleaning and housework, but not nearly enough to keep up with everything. But we're getting there. 'I' and I have gotten better at working together more consistently as a family. I've gotten back into making a real meal every night ,even if we're having leftovers more often... I've run out of chocolaty stuff to snack on all the time...
So to what's been going on....
'I' had an orthodontist appointment and his teeth are looking great according to the Dr. So happy to hear that. He's excited to get them off. But unfortunately that one tooth still hasn't come in yet, so we need to wait and see what happens with that before we can take them off. But he got a twisty wire between the front teeth and different color rubberbands on each bracket.
We spent a long day at the Zoo and we had so much fun. We are doing a report on Giraffes so that was an important part of the trip. We had a zoo scavenger hunt and really took the time to read everything. We had so much fun. We did the carousel, had a big picnic lunch and even got some ice cream. It was a great day.
Look at these cute boys! I love them SO much! How could anyone not fall in love with these two. Especially while watching some Signing Time. R, who hates blankets lol, has started snuggling up with a blanket to get comfy. It is SO cute, and I think he knows it :) He doesn't really eat his fingers, but I think this was to deal with a tooth coming in..
'I' got his blue uniform for the Black Belt Program. He loves it! He is so proud to finally be in blue. And he also got two stripes this week. So he is almost ready to graduate to Blue Belt, although the next graduation isn't until next month. He is putting forth so much effort, and you can really see it. I am so proud of him. I am constantly impressed with how well he is doing in Karate. He is listening and following directions so well and he is really trying. I have to be honest. I don't know how much longer beyond another year that we're going to live here and I want him to get as much out of this as he can, especially since we're paid through and there's no refund... maybe we can visit MN in the summers and continue....
"Everything is awesome"! I had to get this movie. It was so cute and I missed a lot of it when we saw it in the theater because I was walking around with R. I'm looking forward to watching it again and so is 'I'.
Other happenings:
'I' is doing Robot Camp this week and pictures are yet to come. But he is having a blast and it's really interesting what they're doing. Today he made a robot that can follow black lines and drive itself!
I've started going to the gym! I had a consultation on Monday and found out what machines I should use and got a workout schedule. So Monday I did 15 minutes on the treadmill, burned about 100 calories. Tuesday I did all my reps on the weight machines for my arms and legs, only did 2 minutes on the elliptical (because cardio is not my friend) and also did some Russian Twists. R doesn't love mommy leaving him in the daycare, so he was ready to go by then. 'I' and I have plans to do a Family Yoga class tomorrow, which I'm excited about, I hope we have fun.
So, we're doing good. We're staying busy, a lot is going on. We're getting used to Dad not coming home everyday.... Everything reminds me of S. Everyday, doing whatever, there is always something that makes me think of him and I miss him SO much. I don't get to talk with him on skype everyday and due to sharing barracks with so many other soldiers he types, so I rarely get to hear his voice. I feel like I'm always saying 'I love you and I miss you' and feeling like those words aren't enough. I want my husband to come home and never leave again...
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